Website Inspiration and Progression



– Kirsty Mitchell’s website has been an inspiration for my website because well firstly she does a lot of fashion and fantasy photography which is something I am very interested in! But also I like how it is stylised it is and how she uses her own work as her theme in a sense, this is definitely something I wish to do with my website as I feel it is a good way to show some more of your work but it also allows you to briefly show who you are as a photographer and what type of things you’re into. Her website is easy to navigate and isn’t too informative, her home page is also advertising for her most recent project wonderland (which is fabulous! I looked at some of that work in a previous blog post). She has a gallery page, artist info page, diary page, video page and an enquiry page, so much more easier to navigate then Mario Testino website which has a lot of his work on the first page and a lot of information in a sense it scares you off.
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– Here is Mario Testino’s website and confirms what I have just said. I love his work, and maybe he made his website to represent his busy life but its too much for my liking.



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– On Mitchell’s website it allows you scroll down to view the new series and some about information about her wonderland series. My only comment is that the colour of the writing for the pages on this image does not work as it makes it very hard to see, so that is something I will need to consider when creating mine as I want my viewer/navigator to be able to see what they are looking at.
Referring back to an old seminar which was when we worked in our research groups to look at 3 three websites, me and Natasha looked at Rankins website
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This is a lot more minimalistic then Mitchell’s but the reason why I am referring to him because I feel he has made it this way because it is similar to his personality and I personally feel that you should add a touch o yourself in both your work but also your website and this is something I wish to do.

My Static Page so Far
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Here are some screen shots of my current static page (it still needs work) but I want to show the progression, I have included some of my personal work because it fits with the idea of me wanting to show how I am interested in fantasy photography and also this was one of the images in my portfolio which got me into coventry university. I feel the cover image itself fits the text I have changed (so editing CSS I changed the font and the colour) because I made it green because its my favourite colour and I wanted to add some of my own personality into it. I only want one image on my home page because I do not wish to give too much away and if my viewer is interested enough they’ll check my gallery. I have linked our new blog to my website either which I have linked the colour and fantasy idea in both to show the connection between my blog page and website.
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Again for the wordpress I have used images from my personal archive which link with fantasy photography, I have included the social network icons, and have included my Twitter, Flickr and Instragm pages to keep my viewer involved and updated. I have installed 3 plugins, akismet, google anaylytics and a gallery plugin (which I need to play around with) I have yet to change any CSS on the wordpress yet, I feel the theme fits with my personality and my static page. I have uploaded all my blog posts onto here too.

As I stated earlier I still have things I need to do on both the wordpress and my static site, which is finishing my bio page, adding images to the gallery page, and maybe making it a bit more stylised and adding in social media icons. I need to play around with the gallery plugin on the wordpress and play around with the CSS.

Coding ceertainly isn’t easy but I am getting used to it and feel my website is really developing through what I have learnt.

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